Saturday, August 15, 2009

GI Joe

So, I went and saw GI Joe last week. While the story was interesting, I couldn't get past the terrible dialog and exposition in then screenplay. you might ask for examples - Fine, EXAMPLE 1 - Fighter Pilot being shot down "OH MY GOSH!!!!!!" Now, I'm not a fighter pilot, nor have I ever experienced that my moment just before death, knowing I was going to die, but I'm pretty sure "gosh" would never even cross my mind. EXAMPLE 2 is a little more amorphous, in that basically we get the EXACT SAME information about how the bad guys find the GI Joe base from two characters 5 minutes apart. It's as if no one had a copy of the script on them and they couldn't remember if they had explained this before, so they decided to cover their bases. There is also A LOT of backstory. Some necessary, some not. All way too long.
That being said, it's not all bad. I mean Rachel Nichols is in it, so I'm predisposed to like it. But, Joseph Gordon Levitt, WTF?!?!?!? This movie and the level of your performance could not be any more different if you tried. I know it had to be difficult acting behind the mask, but even when he was just normal, it was off. Maybe it was that he had more talent than everyone on the screen, my first instinct was that he was just phoning it in. But, that runs in the face of everything I've heard about him from people who have worked with him. My guess is that he just didn't have the experience to play a broad, poorly written character, having played mostly nuanced smaller characters in considerably better written films ["(500) Days of Summer", "Brick"]
Yet still, I look forward to GI Joe II, as there will be less backstory and hopefully a couple more rewrites on the script.

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