Saturday, December 19, 2009

I got two tomatoes, one for the both of you!

So, I read the first (of what I asusme will be many) of the scripts off of the Blacklist, The Gunslinger by John Hlavin.  I heard described as a western meets Taken, which is pretty much what it it.  It's a revenge movie pretty straight up.  This script could have easily just been cliche, which it is in sections, but because it was so well written, it doesn't matter.  The script moves so well you don't want to stop and think about what you've read, you just have to know what happens next.  It just keeps racheting up the tension and stakes until the end where you're on the edge of your seat and you can't wait to see how it ends.  I defintely got a lot of out the action lines, which were short, but detailed.  You knew everything that was going to happen, which made seeing it in your head much easier.

Next, on to the Pomodoros:  As of 6:30 on 12/19, I am at 63 Pomodoros.  So, unless I am completely worthless, I will be able to hit my goal of 65 Pomodoros before I leave for TC on Monday.  Since I am going to be spending a lot of time sitting on planes on Monday, my goal is to have 72-75 Pomodoros when I land in TC.

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