Monday, December 7, 2009

Don't condescend me....

Armored by James V. Simpson

First off this a pretty good script.  It moves ridiculously fast and keeps the tension high throughout most of it.  The big problem I had was that the script said things like "Ty's Camaro blasts into a lot full of big red ARMORED CURRENCY TRANSPORTS (ACTs), that's an "Armored Truck" for you
civilians." and "A TACTICAL MOBILE UNIT, you know it as a "police car", crawls
around the corner of a building."  I'm not really sure why the author took such great pains to assume we didn't know the jargon and to prove how smart he is by pointing it out to the reader.  Maybe it's just me (because I like to think I know a lot of stuff) but this instantly made me very angry towards this script.  I got past it, but it did stick in craw for much of the read and ended up taking me out of it from time to time.
It would be different if this was a script about a crackerjack team pulling off a heist, but this is by design average people pulling off an admittedly simple heist.  It's great you know the proper terminology for all this, but it's unnecessary.  There are countless other ways the author could have gotten this information across without making the reader feel ignorant.

On a complete side note, my curling team "You Say Zombie!  We Say Where?" clinched our playoff berth tonight and will be 3 seed after and 8-2 win.  There was actually a 5 way tie for the final 2 positions and because we had beaten 2 of the teams and lost to the other 2, it came down to tiebreaker points, which we did pretty well on this season.  Even the games we lost, we managed to win at least 3 or 4 ends which all added up to us catapulting two teams that had beaten us.  Tonight we played probably the best we had played all season, everything seemed to be firing right (or at least when we needed it).  It's too bad our Vice-Skip, Jen, won't be there next week for our grudge match against "The Untouchables".

Also, unless Ryan Grant gets negative points tomorrow night, I also clinched a playoff spot in my Fantasy Football league.

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