Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 11 - Do we have to invite everyone to the wedding?

Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men From Mars - Jeb Stuart

Apparently, George Lucas must have really wanted to do a alien story for Indy.  This is one is head and shoulder better than the other 2.  At least in this one, we know the artifact is alien from the moment it's discovered.
This is a decent story.  The part I don't like is that at the wedding everyone is there.  Henry, Willie, Marion and even Short Round makes a brief apparence.  While, it's nice to see these old friends, it seems forced.  I find it hard to believe that Indy's love interests would not only both come to see him marry someone else, but also be, apparently, really good friends.  I guess the thing I learned from that is, even though we love the characters, don't force them into places they don't belong.
Also, the action in this is heavily stylized and as a result, some of the action ends up in the dialogue field by accident.  This is extremely disorienting at times.  Which has shown me why a quick a proofread is always a good idea.  If you can get someone else to do it, all the better.

And, of course, it uses the same nuclear bomb test/refrigerator set piece as the other two.

Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men From Mars

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