Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 12 - My day at the Mini dealership.

About a Boy

So, I'm writing this entry on my iPhone while I wait for the brakes on my Mini to be replaced.
The thing that struck me in this script was the use of narration by multiple charcters.  Right now, in my DayQuil addled brain, I can't really think of another script in which the two main characters both narrated.

The story is Will's story, but Marcus' story definitely informs Will's.  Both stories are about the characters maturing.  The voiceovers work well in showing that, especially with Will's internal battle to keep from I think this works best when it emphasizes the fact that while they are talking about one thing they are thinking something completely different.

Now that I think about it, I think some romcoms have done it, but not like this.  If you can think of any let me know.

I'm still looking for it online

1 comment:

  1. Ha! My Mini was getting it's brakes serviced today, too. Only, they came to pick it up on a flat bed.
