Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 16 - Live from the Pork Chop Express!!!

True Romance by Quentin Tarantino

Well, I'm sitting here in the New Bev waiting for the "Big Trouble in Little China" and "They Live!" double feature, and I thought I would take this opportunity to try out my blog app ( name escapes me) instead of using "Notes" and then emailing to myself and posting when I get home.
So here we go:
Elvis- the use of Elvis is brilliant. The first time Clarence mentions him, he talks about, while he's not gay, he would totally have sex with the King. He wears Elvis sunglasses. Now QT could have used voiceover to illustrate Clarence's inner thoughts, but instead he decided to personify this inner dialogue. And after we see Clarence's obvious obsession with the King, it makes perfect sense that this would be the sounding board he would use. Sort of a WWED? He tells Clarence to ok to kill Drexel. He gives Clarence that extra bit of confidence to get him through the drug deal. He is that voice that all we need from time to time.
The most amazing part of this, is that I never once thought that Clarence was crazy. Sure he married a prostitute, killed her pimp and talked to the ghost of Elvis; but, his sanity never seems to be questioned. Clarence just seems like a hopeless romantic with a vivid fantasy life.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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