Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Days 26-27 - The Boy who Stopped Blogging

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Girl who Played with Fire by Steig Larsson

So, I've been sick for the past few weeks and it finally caught up with me.  So, I didn't do this for few days.  But, I did read two novels, so I figure I can use those for 2 of the days and only have 3 to go and probably only end a week late.
I'm not going to go into the plot of the books because there is just too much going on.  The big thing I got out of it, is that if you have compelling characters that the reader cares about, you can get away with murder.  The books are very well written and you really care about the characters.  After I finished both books, I walked away thinking about how much I liked them, but also how many coincidences occur and how while I was reading I didn't care.  In both cases also it took along time to get into the stories, but you don't care because the the charcters grab from go.
Als, in both cases I ended up reading over 400 pages in one day.  One of the ways that it kept me going was either short chapters or the setting would change mid-chapter, so it would be like a new scene.  I kept thinking "well, it's just another 5 pages" or "the end of the section is only 40 pages away" or "well, I wonder what Lisbeth is doing" and so I just kept reading.  Also, if there was a section I didn't like, I knew it was only going to be another few pages, so I could just push thorugh to get to the sections I wanted to read.

So, just like all the books say: Compelling characters and keeping the story moving are the keys to good storytelling no matter the medium  

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