Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 29 - And the fanboys shall inheirit the Earth

Vampocalypse by Brian Lee Johnson

So, I'm pretty sure this script is not only unproduced, but I'm not sure if it's even been sold yet.  It was recommended by Simply Scripts, so I gave it a shot.  The things I got out of it were a couple things I've discussed previously  but now that we're on the precipice I'm going to break it down again and then add one new thing.
1) The reader - The description is definitely written with the reader in mind.  It moves really well and more imporantly it's fun to read.  On page 1 the author describes the main vampire as "This is KASDEYA, bald,
pale skinned, thin, well muscled -- a DEMONIC version of Iggy Pop."  You immedaitely get the picture of what he looks like and you know what kind of movie you're in for.  It's going to be fun like Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead (which is exactly what the tone of this is).  You know it's going to take the subject matter seriously, but it's not going to take itself seriously.

2)Too quirky - I'm sorry, your main characters favorite expletive can't be "Jesus tits".  I don't buy it.  And also, while making a character clumsy is one thign, having him trip over (i'm guessing) 5 things in the course of 3 scenes is too much.  I understand the author is trying is foreshadow somethign important at the end, but it's too much.

3) FANBOYS RULE - This movie revolves around characters who work at a RPG/Comic Book/Memorabilia store.   Guys who hangout and do fanboy stuff.  And since the rise of ComicCon, every knows that the fanboy audience is critical for this type of film.  This is a fanboy movie from beginning to end.  Even the read is geared towards fanboys, with pop culture references peppered through the descriptions and dialogue.

This script is not perfect but it's a fun read.


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