Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 30 - Sunflowers in the window

Sunflower by Mischa Green

So, it's the last in the series and I had anticipated going out on a big blockbuster movie or something really personal to me.  Instead, I chose this little unproduced script called Sunflower that Kristy from The Matriarchial Script Paradigm blog ( recommended to me last night on Facebook.

The script is ridiculously tense.  The author does a great job setting everything up and introducing us to the characters before we realize the horror of what's going on in the story.  The overwhelming sense of dread and betrayals in the script make for an amazing read and show how a script can really come to life on the page.

One of the big things I got out of it, just from a technical point, was that even when there was a lot of text on the page she broke it up well, making most paragraphs 3 lines or less and using ALL CAPS to draw us to the really important parts when your eyes glaze over.

Well, this experiment is over, thanks for following me through these 30 scripts.  I think in the future I'm going to try to do 2-3 a week and make sure to include some sort of rating system.  Let me know if there is anything else you'd like to see.


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