Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 20 - Reaction time is a factor

Blade Runner (Early Draft) by Hampton Fancher

Well, there are two big things to discuss with this early draft.  The descroptions are perfect.  there are no "We see"s or camera movements, but you see it all with the text.  He draws you from detail to detail without taking you out of the story.

The other big thing is big mistake of this draft is not making the replicants (or androids) likable.  You like Rachel, but she when she learns she's a machine, she doesn't even question it.  She just goes with it.  In the later drafts where she tries to convince Deckard that she's human, are some of the best scenes in the movie.  Next, Batty doesn't save Deckard at the end, you don't have that moment where you really feel for Batty.

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